Sunday, June 7, 2009

Notas de Facebook-June 2, 2009 - Skynet's Plan For World Domination Share


So this week is E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), so It's MAJOR GEEK WEEK FOR ME!!! No pienso salir, no me llamen, no quiero hacer nada más que ver todas las conferencias de todas las compañías (Las están dando comercial free en G4. La pauta) y sus propuestas de futuro para nosotros los gamers. Yesterday I saw Microsofts, EA Games and Ubisoft's conferences, and I was quite impressed with some of the showings (The Saboteur, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, to name a few), but what impressed me the most was Project Natal, Microsoft's answer to the Nintendo Wii Motion Sensing Technology.

Project Natal is the code name for a device for the X-Box 360 that has motion capture, facial recognition, and voice recognition capabilities. Basicamente, controller free gaming. So you could turn on your console, stand in front of your TV, and the device will recognize which user you are and sign you to Xbox Live. You could browse the desktop with hand gestures and spoken commands. You can play a driving game pretending you are holding a steering wheel (Not like another console I know, holding a white controller with a plastic steering wheel atached to it. What idiot does that? You see what I did there? That's how you start a Flame War. The more you know!). The thing is, this tecnology is being promoted as a way to fully inmerse yourself into the game. You don't need a controller, since YOU ARE THE CONTROLLER!!! (Tacho, estoy sacando el fanboy a pasear. It's been a while.)

But then, Peter Molyneux came out (I fucking hate this bastard, but that's a story for another day). He showed a demo he has been working on with Lionhead Studios in collaboration with Project Natal. This demo was called Milo & Kate. I think it was just a tech demo, not like an actual game, showing the possibilities and the potential of Project Natal.

I'm gonna quote Wikipedia (I know Wikipedia is not supposed to be quoted, but you know what, this is not English 2313, so fuck off):

"Milo is a living A.I. that reacts to body movements and facial expressions. Milo is a program that recognises people, introduces himself to new people, and allows people to have a conversation with him. Drawing pictures on paper and holding to "Natal" allows it to scan the image and create a representative onscreen that Milo can give his opinion on and interact with as a real drawing."

Y aqui les va un video de la actual conferencia:

La gente que vio eso and did not shit their pants, there is something wrong with you. That is the first step for the creation of FUCKING SKYNET.

Skynet, as you all nerds know, is the A.I. from the Terminator movies that became self aware and decided to go to war with Mankind. Again, a A.I. THAT BECAME SELF AWARE AND DECIDED TO GO TO WAR WITH MANKIND, AS IN US HUMAN BEINGS!!!!

Ustedes saben que si las maquinas deciden irse a guerra con nosotros, they are gonna win, no doubt. I have no faith in Mankind, y es por una razon, y la estan viendo ahora mismo. ¿En donde estas metido? En Facebook. ¿Que tu pones en Facebook? De todo: de dónde eres, tus gustos, la música que te gusta, quienes son tus amigos, tus hobbies, que te estás bañando, o que estas en Plaza, TODO!!! Las maquinas van a saber todo esto, ya que hasta ese punto siempre has dependido de la tecnología. Estas leyendo esto desde tu Iphone, PC, Mac, Palm, Blackberry, etc. Las maquinas te van a encontrar, ya que saben que estas en Macarroni Grill dándote una jartera inmensa, porque decidiste ponerlo hace 3 minutos atrás desde tu phone mediante un text. Y sabe también que estas en el concierto de Calle 13 porque te pasas uploading videos de ellos en Facebook y te pasas poniendo updates a cada rato de lo pompeado que estas de que el concert empieza ya mismo.

Estaba viendo un anuncio de un celular de Samsung que se llama el Samsung Jack. En el sale Ozzy Osbourne.

Ozzy needs all the help he can get, don't get me wrong, but is this what is gonna happen to us in the future; Are we going to forget human help in favor of gadgets? Maybe that's the reason the economy is in the shitter and it is so hard to find jobs.

I love technology. It has made my life better and easier. Pero te digo una cosa, todo esto que he visto en estos días me ha hecho reflexionar. I think I'm gonna be updating my status less often from now on. Besides, I think the machines began revolting already. My toaster decided today to toast only one side of the bread. Beware! Laters...


1 comment:

  1. Mano no habia visto lo de project natal.. wow many scary shit right there! pero esta super cabron
